Monday, March 26, 2012

Where did my tiny baby go....

Looking through some old photos today and I was struck by just how much Callie had changed since October 2011! Here she is at the campgrounds Columbus Day Weekend - so tiny! I just don't know when she became such a "big" girl!


When I was very little I had a somewhat similar dolly that had belonged to my mom. She was ratty and well loved and I called her Cuddly. Cuddly was close at hand for much of my childhood and at several junctures carefully repaired by my "Grammie". I don't have "Cuddly" to give to my baby girl, but I am so thrilled I could make something special for her.

We went to visit my mom in Saratoga County NY this weekend. As always it is nice to have other people around who can play with and attend to Callie, leaving me a bit more relaxed and having the occasional moment with my hands free.
With all the stuff that traveling to "Gran's" house requires I didn't bring my sewing machine along, but eager to start my Waldorf baby project, I thought I might do some hand sewing. Crazy yes, time consuming certainly - but all in all well worth the effort.

I think Callie's Cuddly's head may be a bit to big, but was able to use my very rusty embroidery skills to give her a small pink smile and blue eyes to make Callie's own.
It was a long weekend, but when we were finally settled back in our home last night I gave Cuddly to Callie for the first time. Don and I agree it was love at first site.
Cuddly was dragged about the family room and lovingly clutch on the way to bed. Callie has several stuffed friends in her crib, so I've gotten in the habit of saying "bring a friend" when she gets up to start her day. This morning she grabbed Cuddly straight off.

I have no idea if the new Cuddly will be Callie's forever friend like my Cuddly was for me, but I am happy in the moment knowing that was able to make something that give my little girl some joy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One Year Later

Just about a year ago I was still on maternity leave, we were living in our old rented house on Newtown Road and Callie was just three months old. As the saying goes - what a difference a year makes!

In some ways I feel badly that I have neglected my writing, but there is nothing in the world I would trade for what I have EXPERIENCED in the past 12 months. Now that Callie is just about 15 months old I feel some of my old "self" coming back and then again I also in feel that there are new aspects of me that I am finally getting accustomed to. I know they say a baby changes everything but I had no idea just how true that is.

A year later, I am back to work full time (a topic to be tackled at a later time), we now own a home of our very own and Callie has evolved from a sweet helpless babe to a roving, gregarious toddler. I have no idea what the future holds, all I can say is I'm glad I'm up to writing and reflecting again.